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A member registered Sep 20, 2022

Recent community posts

Genuinely looks good, tho a pc version would be fantastic too. Pity you don't think it's good enough for release.

Unlocked version bugs: any scene in the new rooms just crash the game

Is there a way to copy over the save file from the older version? Probably is, but I dont know which file(s) need to be copied

It's probably hard to say given how finniky the game dev process can be. To ease your brain, I imagine sometime within  May.
(then again rn I'd be speakin on behalf of Noa who I don't even know, so I apologise should I had said something wrong)

Yo. First off, Great game and weirdly fun.   Probably already heard these but I didn't see any on the forums down here.   Might I recommend  a gallery mode of sorts; one unlocked after beating the game.  Also; more of an idea for a modifier that pops up like the others: Simple Drinks (basically no more than 4 ingredients per drink) for the duration.